February 26

Sometimes, I will be working in the kitchen and Eli will be playing at my feet. And then suddenly I look up and realize he is no longer there. Almost always, I find him here:
Usually he is standing up at the Lego table, right next to Caleb, fiddling with the Legos. Caleb is remarkably patient about Eli messing with his stuff, and Eli loves to be where Caleb is. It's pretty sweet.

Caleb and Daisy had gymnastics today, and Lily was the first person ready to go. She knew exactly what she wanted to wear: her leotard and tights, with black boots. (She had her pink boots on first, but then she decided she liked the black better.) I helped her get dressed, then turned my attention to getting the other children ready. 

As I asked Daisy to put on her shoes for the fourth time, Lily walked in and declared, "I ready!"

And you know what? She totally was. 
I mean, really. This girl is something. She got her coat (a new Target clearance purchase that I intended to save for next winter, but she fell in love right away and wouldn't let me put it away) and found her sunglasses and she knew she looked good.
Goodness, that girl makes me giggle.

Do you see the shadow on the wall/baseboard behind Lily? That is Eli's shadow, because he crawled down the hall to where we were trying to take this picture. As soon as I crouched down to get a better angle of Lily, this happened: 
This child. I really think that babies this age are like puppies. Rolly, adorable, affectionate, follow you everywhere, chew on everything, not house trained...

Eli lately has started throwing his arms up in the air the moment I come within four feet of him. I know every baby does it, but I love the visible reminder that he just wants to be with me and be held by me. Sometimes I think it is obnoxious that he prefers me over everyone else and that he always wants to be held, but then I remember that this stage will end soon, and I should enjoy all the snuggles he will give me.
And watching him throw his little arms up as he silently implores me to pick him up? So sweet.

In this picture, you can see his two little teeth. It took a year and a week for them to come in, and he has no other teeth in sight, but still. They are fabulous little teeth! However, he is now learning that he can use them for biting, and they are sharp! We haven't had any biting-while-nursing issues yet, but he has bitten my arm and my face and my nose and my finger and my sweater... It's a good thing he's so cute!

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