February 5

This is what life looks like here:
8:49 am, and everyone except Lily is still in their jammies. She got dressed all by herself, and is wearing her pants backward and house shoes on the wrong feet. I had just finished my coffee and breakfast, and was just getting ready to pull Caleb out of his Lego-coma when I found these two playing happily with Eli's noisy table. (side note: I suppose I should reattach its legs now that Eli can pull up to standing!) Aren't they sweet? I love when my children play without me so that I can enjoy a cup of coffee by myself. It makes a big difference in my outlook on the day.

I tried to get a better angle of this picture by moving around and getting down low, but you know as soon as I crouched down, this happened: 
Hi, Eli. Please climb up on me and smother me with slobbery kisses and try your best to get as close to me as humanly possible. It's especially funny because he is so predictable!

Eventually, Eli went down for his morning nap and we did all kids of school. When he woke up, all three big kids came running into his room. Then, one by one, they all climbed into his crib. 
You can't tell in this picture, but Eli was thrilled with this scenario. He loved it. So did the other three!

This happened all by itself, and it was hilarious. Can you tell how happy Eli is with the whole situation?

Goodness, I love these kids. Some days I'm still surprised that I have four of htem!

And then I snuck in the picture, too. Look at funny Eli, waving at his reflection in the mirror!

Then I set up the camera and used the remote. (I'm pretty sure there was a smudge on my lens, which is why one half of the image is so foggy.)

Silly faces! I love this! Perhaps these images will be one they will recreate twenty years from now. Wouldn't that be hilarious?

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You guys have to recreate it! I'm sure you will. So cool to have all these photo memories.
