February 20

With this, I am officially caught up with the blog. Don't look for a post for February 21st; there isn't one. Maybe I'll have something for you after the 22nd. (It's National Drink a Margarita day, you know!) And then my birthday is the 24th, and I like to think that day is unofficial Drink a Margarita day, so we have an exciting week ahead of us. Plus, we need to get back into the groove of school and life as usual. 

Today, though, was Caleb's "Blue and Gold" Boy Scout banquet. Chris and I both thought it sounded lame and didn't want to go, but Caleb really wanted to attend. Our compromise was that just Chris and Caleb went, while I stayed home with the little ones. 

Before they left, though, they sat at the table while the rest of us ate dinner. 
Actually, Eli and I ate dinner. The girls refused to eat the grilled chicken, green beans, and roasted potatoes. Whatever, girls.

But Caleb really wanted me to photograph his most recent Lego creation, so I did.
The driver is Emerald Haroldson, his favorite minifigure.

And then it was time for the boys to leave! 
Doesn't Caleb look handsome in his Cub Scout uniform? Doesn't Chris look handsome?

This image may be more accurate. I sure do love my boys!

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