January 7

Today we celebrated Ryan's 15th birthday.
I was 16 when he was  born, and now he's 15. It's crazy to think about! He chose to have a bowling party, and Caleb was quite excited to try bowling.

He insisted on wearing the straw hat, even though it wasn't seasonally appropriate. He called it his "Sir Topham Hatt", after the character on Thomas the Train.

Caleb's enthusiasm for bowling lasted until he stepped over the foul line and made the buzzer go off. After that, he was terrified. He only bowled three frames, and each time barely pushed the ball. It took over a minute for the ball to reach the pins!

Max did much better.

Caleb's second go-round. It wasn't much better than the first.

But Max really got the hang of it!

Daisy spent most of her time trying to snuggle with Ryan.

When Ryan was busy bowling, or just not interested in playing with a baby, Daisy realized that Grandpa would suffice. Also, in the name of celebration, I committed a major GAPS-diet faux pas and allowed Daisy some pizza. She LOVED it. The next day, out of the blue, she said, "I like pizza!" Poor girl; if only she could eat pizza all the time!

See? Gnawing down on pizza crust,

It seems like I have a picture of these two looking just like this from every family celebration!

Daisy and Chris, playing peek-a-boo with my scarf.

Ryan with his siblings. Aren't they funny? Brandyn, Tyler, and Kaley are his Dad's kids, and Max is peeking out from over his shoulder.

Max was delighted by the candle-lighting.

What Ryan didn't know was that there was one trick candle hidden in the middle.

We were all pretty entertained as he tried repeatedly to blow that one out!

Then Jenny lured Caleb into her favorite place - the arcade.

I love this age - you don't have to actually pay to play the games; they're content just to pretend!

And this girl. She's still singing "Happy Birthday to Ryan" a week later.

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