November 21

Have I mentioned that Caleb is obsessed with Cinderella? Because he is. He asks anyone he can find if they will dance with him, he loves wearing pretend ball gowns, and his favorite game right now is pretending to be Cinderella and asking you to rip his dress. I love his pretend play and absolutely want to encourage it, but it's hard that he wants so desperately to dress up like a... princess. 
Now. I have no problem with him wearing princess dresses for dress-up occasionally. In fact, Chris took us out to breakfast this morning and Caleb wore Lightning McQueen slippers and a pink hair bow. But I am not going to go out and purchase sparkly dress-up costumes just for him. I can't make myself do it. I was lamenting this to Amber the other day, and she had a brilliant suggestion: sparkly prince outfits.

Caleb ate all of his dinner tonight, and his reward was a "Prince Charming crown", hand made by Mommy. As an added bonus, we re-discovered his butterfly wings from our friend Mary's birthday party this summer.

Caleb Prince Charming was beyond pleased.

Also, he informed me that this is his "Stepmother Face". You know, like the mean stepmother in Cinderella?

(image from here)
I think he does a pretty good impersonation!

There's my happy boy, checking out his ensemble in the mirror.

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