November 17

Chris and I needed some uninterrupted time to install our new dishwasher today, so we did the unthinkable:
We plopped our kids in front of the TV and put a movie on.

Do I need to explain how rare this is for us? Because it's pretty rare. It was one of the first times we've ever really let Daisy watch a movie. Our movie of choice? Cinderella. (Thank you to the lady who was selling VHS tapes of Disney classics for fifty cents a pop at her garage sale!) Caleb loves it, especially the mice. Daisy lasted about twenty minutes, and then she was antsy. She climbed all over the couch, played with the curtains, played with Caleb's hair, but remarkably, she stayed on the couch the whole time. Just what we needed.

As Chris and I were struggling in the kitchen, I heard Daisy say, "Hold you! Lap! Holdyou lap!" I looked out and saw that she had climbed into Caleb's lap, and he had wrapped his arms around her.
Sadly, by the time I got my camera, arranged my settings, and took my photo, she was almost done. This was the only shot I got. But still, it's my darlings snuggling and watching Cinderella, and I love it.

I also love our new dishwasher, which is finally installed, thanks to our fabulous neighbor.

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