November 10

When the forecast said today was supposed to be sunny and 75, I knew that we needed to spend as much of the day outside as possible. Our first stop? The farmers market, where Chris purchased five pounds of beef liver. Really. He has discovered how nutrient-rich it is, and he is obsessed. Honestly, I've never even tasted liver, but we're going to give it a go. We also got to see our friends Amber and Michael and their darling children, so it was a good first stop.

After that, we headed to the Museum of Transportation. I bought a Groupon for it a few months ago, and figured it would be wise to visit while it was still warm. All in all, a very good choice.
My favorite part was the miniature train ride. Daisy loved it, too. Every time the train tooted its whistle, she replied, "Choo choo!"

None of these pictures are particularly good - sorry.

My cool kid, rocking his shades and tie-dyed shirt. He insisted on wearing it today.

I'm not sure who is supposed to sit on this chair in the caboose, but Caleb pretended to be the engineer. His favorite trains were the ones he could go inside; everything else was uninteresting to him.

Daisy did lots of walking. What a big girl!

Caleb did lots of running. Except when he insisted on riding on my back in the Ergo. Note to self: just because he can doesn't mean he should. That was hard work!

Steering the caboose?
Poor boy has no idea how trains work, and I don't want to shatter his illusions.

See? Can't get on that train, therefore uninteresting.

On a train, interesting.

My overall impression of the Museum of Transportation? Eh. Maybe I missed something, and maybe the enthusiasm of a small child would help, but it wasn't interactive enough for us. I'm glad we didn't pay full price for the tickets!

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