November 16

Chris and I stayed up late last night, removing our old dishwasher. The kids and I waited all morning for the delivery man to come with the new dishwasher, but he was late. Daisy missed the delivery, and I was just getting ready to put Caleb down for his nap when the dishwasher finally showed up. Hopefully we'll get this bad boy installed sometime tonight or tomorrow!

In the meantime, this is a video of Caleb and Daisy sitting on the counter (above where that new dishwasher will go!), attempting to sing "Life is a Highway". Usually they sing it a lot better (especially Daisy), but they got a little bit camera-shy.

We actually had a pretty musical day. Here's Caleb multi-tasking: snack time and drum time.

It was beautiful out this afternoon, so we spent most of it outside. It's so sad that the sun has already set when Chris gets home from work!

Caleb whizzed down the hill on his bike.

Daisy wouldn't set her cup of milk down long enough to ride her bike. The poor girl is just like her mama - she wants everything, and she wants it NOW!

Caleb practiced bubble-blowing in the sunshine,

and Daisy gave her bike a tune-up as the sun's rays faded.

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