July 18

My sister Emily texted me yesterday, asking if we wanted to go to the zoo with her. Since swim season is over, we jumped at the chance! Now that Lily is forward-facing in the back seat, I even have a few spare seats so that Emily, Jace, and Max could all ride with us to the zoo.

We got there super early, so we had plenty of time to pet the sting rays during the free hour. Cousins + petting sting rays = very happy children.

They all did such a good job, and were so brave!

Then we made it to the carousel before the end of the free hour. (Free hour is from 8-9 am, so you know we were out and about early!)

Eli chose to ride on the bench, and he was quite happy with that.

Sister selfie!

Cousins + polar bear.

Caleb took this picture,

And asked me to take this one.

The penguins were really vocal this morning, and the kids thought it was really funny.

Another photo by Caleb.

The penguin house is stinky, but the kids loved watching them swim underwater.

Daisy might have taken this one?

Eli wanted to see the giraffes, but by the time we got to them he was pretty close to done.

Sweet babies! And now Lily looks done and Eli looks cheerful.

Our traditional elephant fountain picture, with cousins.

While all four of my children napped, I played with my new wrap. Heavy baby Rosie helped me.

We ate dinner at the pool tonight. There's nothing like a towel torso carry to warm up a cold child.

Daisy thought she was something special, sitting on top of a tower of chairs like that.

When we got home and into jammies, I brought Lily out for her official last pictures as a three year old. 
Can you believe she'll be four tomorrow?

Can you believe how cute she is?

Sweet girl.

Happy early birthday, Lily!

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