December 7

I think I'm back in the blogging game. I suddenly realized that on the days that I'm lazy and don't get the camera out, I end up with no photos. And I don't like that. Plus, Caleb's been pretty cute lately.

Today we got out a handheld fan that Chris' mom gave Chris several years ago. It has soft plastic blades, and lights up with the words "Go Cardinals!". Caleb loves it.

This fan is something I can count on to keep him quiet and distracted for quite a long time (in toddler years, that is).

The soft blades sting a little bit when they touch your face,

but Caleb seems to enjoy it!

And then there's the fact that it lights up. This fan is a winner.

Later, Caleb climbed into his chair with a book to do some reading on his own. 
Good thing, because I'm getting sick of that darned Elmo book!

1 comment:

  1. Yay I am so glad you are in the blogging mood!! How cute, he just gets into his own reading chair. Such a sweet and cute little boy! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks :)
