December 12

I only have one, not-so-good photo today. I hope you'll forgive me.

Do you remember this day, when Chris took Caleb to meet Santa? Chris didn't mention it at the time, but there was some sort of door prize drawing that he entered. A few days later, the home builder who sponsored the event called Chris to tell him that he had won! Today we stopped by to pick up the prize.

Part of the prize was a giant teddy bear. You can't tell in the photo, but Caleb was a really big fan of the bigger-than-him bear. Its name is either Jimbo or Mac; we can't decide.

(The bear's antlers are ours. Of course we have antlers. Why wouldn't we?)

I'm pretty sure Caleb was trying to play catch with the bear. Catch is his new obsession. It's all he wants to do. I'm not sure what he'll do tomorrow, when Chris goes back to work. Chris will play catch with Caleb until the cows come home (it's part of his retirement-plan effort to mold Caleb into a left-handed pitcher), but something tells me I'll grow tired of the game pretty quickly.

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