December 23

Today was a busy day! We started the day with a package at the front door, which contained this:
Your eyes aren't deceiving you - that's a queen-sized, hand-crocheted afghan, covered with multi-colored flowers, made by Chris' 92-year-old grandmother. Chris and I opened it and just stared at each other, mouths agape until Caleb broke the silence by saying, "Flower!" and sniffing. The kid LOVES the blanket. All he wanted to do all morning was sit and sniff the flowers.

 Then at 10:15, right after I put Caleb down for an early nap, I got a phone call from our realtor saying someone wanted to schedule a showing of our house between 1 and 3.

After a month and a half on the market, we finally had our first showing!

Unfortunately, after a month and a half without any showings, we've gotten a bit lazy about keeping the house showing-worthy. Luckily, Caleb chose today to have a rockstar nap, and Chris was able to swing by and help me for a little bit. Caleb and I zipped out the door at 12:58. We haven't heard anything about the showing, but we're praying that 1 person is all it takes. We'll see.

Caleb and I killed time by visiting my parents, where Caleb got to help Ryan (and Grandpa) put up the Christmas lights.

Don't let the picture fool you - Ryan's lower half is actually there, you just can't see it because of his camouflaged pajama pants. :)

When we finally went home, Caleb promptly donned his Santa hat and ate some yogurt melts. 
Do you remember how cute he was in this hat last year?

Then he indulged Mommy in a game of peek-a-boo (another new favorite).
"Where's Caleb?"


And he rounded out the evening's entertainment with another hat, this time of the Tupperware variety. 
What a ham!

Now I'm going to go to bed.


  1. That afghan is amazing! Good luck with the house- 1 showing is all it takes, that's how we found our house. We were the first of only 3 or 4 people to see it at it's first open house. Fingers crossed you at least get some helpful feedback!

  2. not to be a repeater but WOW that afghan is amazing! and how cute can that caleb be? he just puts a smile on my face every day. :))
    blessings on your showing!
    merry christmas--love you guys!
