December 4

While I got my hair cut this morning, Chris took Caleb to see Santa. I was sad to miss the occasion, but glad that Chris brought back such great photos of it! If I had known just how good this Santa would be, I totally would have skipped the haircut. Oh well - maybe next year!

Chris said that before they left to go see Santa, Caleb was saying, "Sante ho ho" and signing "more" for Santa. He was really excited. Yet somehow, Caleb's first meeting with Santa this year ended up looking like this:
He didn't freak out, but he wasn't particularly thrilled.

Luckily, Santa had toys. This barking, flipping dog went a long way to make Caleb feel at ease. (Note the bare feet - we recently upgraded from soft-soled shoes to real, big-boy shoes. Unfortunately, the big-boy shoes are a little bit easier for Caleb to remove. Apparently, he removed one at home before they left, and Chris didn't notice until they got to Santa's. Oops!)

Another toy. I think Santa is winning Caleb's trust!

My boys with Santa. Aren't they sweet? I'm making no excuses for Chris' reindeer ears. They were his choice.

What a sweetie!

Tomorrow we're going to do pre-Christmas photos and Santa, take 2 at my family's annual Christmas tree hunt. I'm hoping to bring home lots of keepers! (photos, not trees.)


  1. Is Santa a relative?? Caleb looks so relaxed. And, it doesn't look like a mall....

  2. No, Santa wasn't a relative. Chris works with a local homebuilder, and they had a "Breakfast with Santa" at one of their display homes near us. Apparently, they book their Santas the way they build their homes - nothing but the best! This Santa interacted with Caleb a lot and tried really hard to get him to relax.
