December 10

Caleb's been learning about shadows lately, thanks to that stupid Elmo book. Because of the book, he says the word "shadow" really well, and seemed to have a vague idea of what a shadow was. Today, however, he finally figured out what a shadow is. More importantly, he discovered HIS shadow.

(Note: I just reviewed this post, and realized that while you don't see Caleb's face at all today, you see a lot of the back of his head. Specifically, you see a lot of the back of his head where I made a ham-fisted attempt to cut his hair. I think attempt #2 will work; I just need to buy a good pair of hair clippers. Please forgive the sorry state of Caleb's hair. That is all.)

At first he was suspicious of it,

but then he grew curious.

Finally, he made friends with his shadow. 

He offered it his ball. 

Suddenly, he shouted, "Catch!" and threw his ball at the shadow. 

The shadow wasn't very good at playing catch, but neither is Caleb, so he didn't seem to mind. 

He just kept trying to play catch! 

Caleb was pretty sad when I had to tear him away from his shadow to run errands. He even said bye to it when we left!


  1. What a great throw! And left-handed! How exciting!

  2. This is the funniest, cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!! My heart is melting......:) MOM

  3. um I am almost crying at how adorable this is! Throwing the ball to the shadow??
