November 21

Caleb woke up today feeling nearly normal, which is a huge blessing! I still kept him home from school, though, and I'm glad I did; he didn't eat any lunch, and definitely needed a slow day with an afternoon nap. Poor kid. 

All he really wanted to do today was play Mario Kart, so I promised him that he could play after everyone finished their afternoon rest. Once the girls were up, the game was on!

This is what Mario Kart looks like with a 5, 3, and 1 year old:
5 - Caleb has figured out how to play the game, and is focusing intently.
3 - Daisy knows that she wants to play the game, but has only figured out the "go" button, and not how to steer. She is really frustrated that she keeps running into things and getting stuck.
1 - Lily just wants to do what the big kids are doing, so I gave her a remote with no batteries in it and she is one happy girl. She has also started saying, "Chee!" every time she sees the camera, hence that cute little smile. Also, can you believe how long her hair is?

In other exciting news, today was the first time that Caleb really got to feel Baby Yoey move. We were snuggling in bed during rest time, and Yoey was being particularly active. I put Caleb's hand on my belly, and he got to feel four or five really good kicks. He was so excited! Caleb and Daisy are really starting to understand that we have a baby coming. Today we watched a video explaining Baby's development over the past few weeks, and they were entranced. They even asked to watch it a second time, and then a third. At lunch time, they asked to hear the stories of how they were each born. Caleb is still baffled by the fact that he was born at a hospital, and doesn't really believe me when I tell him that most babies are actually born in hospitals. Too funny!

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