November 13

Goodness. It's only mid-November, but the cold and the gray, gloomy days are already sapping my desire to take pictures. Still, I did get out the camera today. 

Raspberries. They are neither in season nor local, and they are definitely not organic, but they were $1 per box, so we are munching on raspberries this week.
It appears that this strange daughter of mine does not like to eat raspberries. However, she was delighted to discover how nicely they fit on her fingers.

And isn't the hair too much? I normally try not to get it so front and center, but sometimes you just have to roll with it!

Dinner time last night was awful. The children were absolute hellions and refused to eat their meals. Today when Caleb got home from school, we sat down and brainstormed how we could make tonight's meal better than last night's. 
Caleb and Daisy suggested that we could have pizza for dinner. (Tomorrow night is pizza night.)
They said they like to eat meatballs for dinner. (We had meatballs on Monday.)
They offered that they like to eat pork. (We had pork chops on Tuesday.)

Finally, Caleb suggested grilled cheese, and - especially given the yucky weather - that was something I could get behind. We ended up having gluten-free grilled cheese sandwiches with chicken (gluten-free) noodle soup. It was delicious, but since it was a last-minute decision, it meant that dinner was a bit late.

While Chris and I worked dinner, Caleb and Daisy played with Legos in Caleb's room. Suddenly, Caleb came running into the kitchen, crying, "Mommy! Daddy! My Lego plane crashed on the floor and broke into a bunch of little pieces! Come look!"
He was clearly upset, but Chris and I weren't about to further delay dinner by rushing to view his Lego catastrophe. So instead, I handed Caleb my camera and asked him to take some pictures of the disaster. Caleb felt validated and got to use my big camera (much to Chris' dismay), and Chris and I got to continue dinner prep. Win/win.

And this? This was Caleb's disaster. It looks like quite an emergency, doesn't it?

The rushed dinner prep and late meal ended up being totally worth it: there was no fussing at all at dinner tonight. Just what this mama needed!

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