August 30

It's nearly Labor Day weekend, which means the end of swimming season. But with the remnants of Hurricane Isaac bearing down on us, Chris knew that we needed to get one last swim in today. With all of the rain they're forecasting, there will be no swimming this weekend.

So before dinner, we all headed down to the pool.
Do you remember that we gave Caleb a scooter for his third birthday because all of the neighborhood kids ride their scooters to the pool? Chris wanted to let Caleb try riding his to the pool tonight.
It did not go well. I ended up scooping them up in the car and dropping them off at the entrance to the pool parking lot. Caleb was able to glide all the way down to the pool, which he thought was pretty fun.

My little scooter! It's fun to think about how different he will be next summer when the pool opens back up. He'll be nearly four then; how much farther will he be able to ride his scooter?

My boys, at the end of their inaugural riding-scooters-to-the-pool-together experience. Chris may have been more excited about it than Caleb was.

The big pool was much too cold for swimming, but the baby pool was tolerable. Caleb did some preliminary splashing before jumping in.


These three had so much fun! Both kids are much more confident in the water than they were at the beginning of the season.

Happy boy.

Happy Dad. He loves taking his kids to the pool. They all have so much fun!

Daisy even did some pool walking. You go, girl!

Now that we have the water confidence taken care of, we can start learning to actually swim. What fun!

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