November 6

Caleb seemed fine. Really - just fine!

He made it past the 24-hour mark without any more "sick" incidents, and I thought, "Hooray! It's just a 24-hour bug, and my little bug is fine now!"

We made plans to meet his GREAT Aunt Maggie for lunch. And then? At the 48-hour mark? He puked. All over himself, again. This time, it was his high chair, instead of the car seat. I'm getting really good at scrubbing vomit out of seat straps!

And just like before, he was happy as a clam after vomiting everywhere. So. Are we done with this nonsense? I hope so, because sick baby + real estate photographer coming on Monday = chaos in my world. I have lots to do, and I really don't want to waste any more time cleaning up puke.

Oh, that and I want my poor, sweet baby to feel better. That was implied, right?

My only photo of the day (I was too busy assembling a chair, hanging artwork, replacing the bathroom mirror, and installing a new faucet, plus purchasing all of said items):

This is Caleb's first bubble bath. It was pretty unimpressive.

1 comment:

  1. Not to discourage you, but Catherine and Mary have both acted like that when sick. They would throw up, feel better, play close to normal for a day (and eat close to normal because they felt better), then throw up again the next day. And at least once this lasted about a week (sorry, just thought you might want to be prepared). I hope he really is over it!!
