November 14

I feel like we did nothing today, but I think we did something. I don't know - it's all a blur.

What's not a blur is last night, when we got together with Chris' family to celebrate his Grandad's 80th birthday. It was a lovely party - so classy, and yet so fun - and so full of photo ops that my hands were itching for my DSLR. Unfortunately, the only camera I brought along was our 3-year-old point and shoot, which just doesn't do it for me anymore. At times, I found myself shaking the camera, hoping it would move faster! 

So of all of the beautiful moments, the only one I got was this:
This is Grandad with 10 of his 23 grandchildren. Yes, every member of this family is ridiculously good looking. That's one of the myriad reasons I married into the clan. What's especially crazy is that Grandad's grandchildren range in age from 33 to 5 months old. It was a really special celebration, and we were so happy to be there.

Today, we just went to church and puttered around the house. Well, I puttered (and napped). Chris was productive.

Here are my boys reading Caleb's current favorite obnoxious book:

Apparently it's a captivating read!

Tomorrow, it's back to bizness - oil change, flu shot booster, appointment making, and meeting with midwife #2. No more puttering for me!


  1. Since when is Elmo obnoxious????? And Caleb says the name SO CUTELY!!!!! MOM:)

  2. Cool I wish I could have been at the party! Good picture.
