November 4

I didn't post yesterday because we spent most of our evening meeting with a realtor.

Yup, a realtor.

We're hoping against hope and putting our house on the market, despite the fact that the odds of us actually selling it are terrible. But we're praying, praying, PRAYING that God will send someone who will love this house as much as we do and who will be willing to pay what we need them to pay and who will be blessed by this house. Luckily, we're not in a rush, so we can afford to wait. I mean, there's that whole baby-coming-in-April thing, but, you know, whatever. Babies don't take up too much space.

So. Realtor last night. And this morning was a MOPS morning. Only Caleb woke up sick.
This is what a sick Caleb looks like.

I'm wearing him in my sling, because he was only happy if I wore him.

We had to stop by MOPS this morning because it was my turn to bring food. I say "stop by", but it's a 30-minute drive each way. Caleb was fine, though, until about ten minutes into the drive home, when he promptly vomited all over himself. I watched it happen in my baby-view mirror. Luckily, we were close to my parents house, so I was able to stop by and clean him up, instead of having to drive 20 more minutes with a vomit-covered baby.

So far, that was the only puke incident. Let's hope it's over now, and neither Chris nor I catch his yuckiness.

This evening, he was cheerful as can be! 

The only hint that he was sick was his super-cuddliness. 

And maybe Mommy's tired look... cleaning up that car seat was no easy task! 
I think I earned my hugs today.

1 comment:

  1. how sweet! His little rosy cheeks...Oh I just love reading these.
