November 23

Whoops - I took a few days off there!

But today, I was talking to my Mom, telling her about all of the funny things Caleb is saying now. Suddenly it dawned on me - the kid is speaking in rudimentary sentences! Mom quickly reminded me that I should be writing this down, so a blog post it is.

Caleb's current phrases:
Santa ho ho
Heart boom boom (accompanied by thumping his chest where his heart is)
Big truck vroom
Cat sleep (or nap) (with snoring noises)

It's especially funny, considering that today I got an email from BabyCenter about my 16-month, 3-week old toddler's development. Among the things he should be doing? Speaking as many as 7 words. Oops. He surpassed that a long time ago. I love that my little boy loves language so much!

Also? I love that he's such a cutie pie. Today he insisted that we go outside, so I insisted he wear his hat and mittens.
The mittens didn't last long. In this photo, he's running toward my potted strawberry plants. He wanted to play with the dried vines, but the mittens got in the way. Off they went!

He was happy to have found the planting tag for the strawberries.

I know - you can't see his face. But he's still adorable!

I guess "It's cold out!" is no longer a valid excuse to stay inside.


  1. That hat totally increases the cuteness factor! =-)

  2. So darn cute, that boy. Hugs from g-aunt mag:))
