July 4

Happy Independence Day!

Our day was a perfect combination of productive and fun, just the way I like it. We had a lazy breakfast at home, a family trip to Lowe's, Chris did work in the basement and in the yard, and then we hit the neighborhood pool. 

Between an unseasonably cool start to the summer, the baby coming right in the middle of summer, and our obscenely expensive dietary changes, we ended up not joining the pool this year, so this was our first (and only?) visit of the season. 

Caleb acted as if he and the pool had never been apart. The boy was so excited, and so brave! He even practiced putting his face underwater, all by himself. He was so happy that I felt pretty guilty about not joining the pool. 

Also, please look at my studmuffin husband. Am I allowed to say that on a family blog? Oh well. Daisy was a bit overwhelmed by everything going on at the pool, but she had a lot of fun too.

After the pool, a festive 4th of July dinner. Chris grilled brats and hot dogs for us, and I made these for the kids. 
Watermelon stars on skewers. I came up with the idea on my own - take that, Pinterest! Caleb and Daisy were absolutely delighted, as you can tell by Caleb's shout of joy and Daisy's fixated stare...

And then I really earned "Mom of the Year" by making Caleb this pinwheel. The pool had been decorated with all kinds of patriotic pinwheels, and Caleb wanted one desperately. He asked me at least five times for one, and each time I explained that the pinwheels belong to the pool, and we can't take them. Finally, Caleb asked me to make him a pinwheel. So after dinner, I did just that. He was thrilled. I both love and hate his confidence that Mommy can make anything he wants...

Then we headed to a local park for an evening walk. With this Baby's arrival getting closer by the day, I've felt the need to get myself out and moving. Chris has been really supportive about loading the kids up in the BOB and taking family walks, letting me set the pace. It's a lot of fun.

This kid is too cool for school. Love him!

He was pretty proud of his 4th of July outfit - for "America's birthday!"
(We might have also sung "Happy Birthday" to America at dinner tonight...)

The see-saw is Caleb's favorite part of this park.

Daisy likes it, too!
(Their hair is all crazy because it's coated in sunscreen from our earlier visit to the pool. I promise we bathe our children and wash their hair. Really.)

Ha! Chris and Daisy on the see-saw, and Caleb running behind them. We had such fun!

We were ready to leave and get the kids to bed, but I couldn't resist the beautiful golden sunlight and the kids' 4th of July outfits, so I took a few pictures. 
(I hate to admit it, but Daisy is wearing the exact same dress that she wore last 4th of July. It still fits, except that it's now more like a tunic than a dress.)

Instead of cooperating for my camera, Caleb and Daisy chose to play peek-a-boo.

Ha! These two really love each other.

Only usually, Caleb is feeling much more affectionate than Daisy is.
Actually, Caleb has been particularly affectionate the past few weeks. I think he realizes that big change is brewing, and he's filling up his snuggle tank. Tonight he asked me to put him to bed instead of Daddy, and as I tried to leave, he said, "Don't go yet! I need lots of snuggles!" Sweet boy.

My darlings. It's hard to believe that soon there will be three!

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