July 22

Today was pretty unremarkable, which was nice. Lily actually let me sleep last night, which was even nicer. Of course, she woke up to nurse several times, but she didn't decide to party all night  the way she did the night before.

The most exciting thing about today? My sister, Emily, gave birth to her baby boy this morning! Emily and I were supposed to deliver our babies about a month apart - I was due July 8, and she was due August 1. Instead, we had our babies three days apart. Go figure. At least hers didn't come first; toward the end of my pregnancy, I was starting to wonder if it might work out that way! Sadly, I don't think it's a good idea to take my 3-day-postpartum self and my 3-day-old baby into a hospital and risk exposing her to all of those germs, so we haven't been able to meet sweet baby Jace yet. But I can tell from everyone else's pictures that he looks just like his daddy!

But back to our boring, hum-drum, perfectly pleasant day.

Caleb read Lily her very first book.

Lily and I took a wonderful nap while Chris and the kids played.

Lily had her first visit to the chiropractor, too, but I didn't photograph that. She was born with quite the cone head, and all of the plates in her skull were overlapping. That, combined with the fact that when I nurse her, her latch is a bit more painful than I'd prefer, led me to take her in sooner rather than later. I'm hoping a few adjustments will help the latch issue, and we won't have to go to the doctor to see if her tongue tie needs to be addressed instead.

And then, Lily joined her siblings and Daddy for some evening outside playtime. 
Caleb and Daisy kicked a ball around, while Chris and Lily supervised.

As soon as she noticed her sister, Daisy wanted to hold her.

Of course, Daddy obliged. 

But Daisy wanted to *really* hold her, so they got situated in the grass. Caleb kept right on kicking his ball!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Lily is fitting right in with the fam! Glad you got some sleep. ;) Also, crazy that Emily had her baby, exciting they are so close together!! Thanks for the updates...
