July 17

And we are still waiting for Baby.
But it's good that Baby wasn't born last night, because we were almost out of toilet paper. That would have been a catastrophe. So we wait. Maybe tonight?

In the meantime, the kids and I have having lots of fun until about 4:00 each day, when I run out of energy and patience. But until then, fun prevails!

This picture doesn't begin to do the situation justice. It was too cute - Daisy came running into the kitchen with this blanket wrapped around her, pulled over her head. She looked at me and shouted, "My vedding whale! This my vedding whale!"
Even after I clarified that she was actually wearing a wedding veil, she continued to call it her "vedding whale." And clearly, she could pronounce both the "v" and "w" sounds. She was so proud of her vedding whale! But when I went to take her picture, she got all shy on me. Boo.

Then we headed to Target to replenish our toilet paper stores. While we were there, Caleb got to take advantage of a birthday gift. My aunt Deb sent him a Target gift card, and I gave him free rein to purchase whatever he wanted. He chose this:
He has been wanting a Spider Man mask for a few months now, so it was so exciting to find one at Target! As soon as we got home, he put on his Spider Man shirt to complete the ensemble.

But get this. That's not all he bought. He also chose to use his gift card to buy a Barbie doll for Daisy. I was so proud of his generous spirit, and Daisy was so pleased with her new doll! (Though I think he was especially eager to buy her a Barbie because he also wanted it for himself...)

After naps, we did the only thing to do when it's so hot out (aside from hide inside in the air conditioning, but you know the kids wouldn't stand for that!):  
Pool time!

But I won myself Mom of the Year with this: 
Yep. I upped the ante and added watermelon to the mix.

And then we got craaaazy and ate watermelon in the pool. 
People, we know how to party.

But seriously, I can't think of a better way to eat watermelon.


Daisy has these weird camera-shy moments. Note her hiding in the background?
I had a few contractions during dinner, so after dinner my biggest priority was getting the kitchen cleaned and dishes done. While Chris and I tidied up, Caleb and Daisy read together in his room. I came back to check on them at one point, and found Daisy cuddled up in Caleb's bed, "reading" a book. Love it! Of course, when I came back with my camera, the book was gone and she was hiding under the covers, giggling. I had to wait, camera poised, for a solid minute before she threw the covers back and yelled, "Peek-a-boo!"

Maybe tomorrow I'll have baby news for you. Or maybe not. Whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, contractions are a good sign!! Praying for you!!
