July 26

Lily and I got to spend another morning relaxing in the quiet house, because Chris took Caleb and Daisy to the zoo. Daisy reported that her favorite part was the penguins, that they were stinky, and that one jumped into the water and it splashed her! Here are some of Chris' cell phone pictures:

(I'm not sure what Caleb is doing here - perhaps running? Jumping? Narrowly avoiding being hit by that golf cart?)

In the afternoon, Grandmother and Sally came over for a visit! Lily wasted no time making herself comfortable on Grandmother...
She slept like this for thirty minutes. Or maybe it was an hour? I have no idea. All I know is that you are looking at one content little girl!

Later, my friend Jessica and her daughter Stella came over with a delicious meal. This isn't a flattering picture of either Daisy or Stella, but it was so cute. The kids were thrilled to see Stella, and Daisy was adamant that she was going to read Stella a Superman book. It was too funny!

And now Lily is crying, and it seems that Daddy just can't do the trick. Off to work my magic...

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