February 27

Today was a lazy, stay-at-home kind of day. It snowed all day, but the snow never amounted to anything. THAT kind of day.

After breakfast, I sent Caleb in to get dressed. He returned to the kitchen wearing shorts and a t-shirt, announcing, "I'm wearing these because we're not going anywhere today!" Alright, kid.

This is where he spends most of his time these days: lining up his cars to race on his road rug. Behind him is a  multi-level service station where the cars go to "take their naps". They used to get stored in a neat little bin, but now the kid has his own ideas about where things should go, and only the naughty, less-favored cars go in the car box. The good ones go to the service station.
(Side note: I insisted he wear his slippers with the shorts and t-shirt. The boy at least needs something on his feet!)

We decided to fill our long-neglected bird feeder with some bird seed today. (The mean old squirrels always eat all of the seed and it makes me so mad that I refuse to refill it, but eventually I miss the birds so we fill it again.)  
Caleb was so excited to help, and spent a long while looking out the window at it until I convinced him that it might take a while to realize that the normally-empty feeder was now full.

Daisy was just delighted to play with her Magna Doodle, though she kept holding the pen up to me, saying, "Not working, Mama! It not working!"

And then a man walking a dog came down the sidewalk, and the kids were glued to the window. Exciting stuff here!

Eventually I decided it was time to do something, so I asked Caleb if he would like to go to Target. He replied, "No. I would rather go to the gym." I tried my hardest to make Target sound appealing and convince him that it would be way more fun than the gym (Caleb usually loves a trip to Target!), he was steadfast. He wanted to go to the gym, and that was that. So we went.

Much later, after Daisy went down for our nap, Caleb and I returned to this room to see if the birds had found the feeder yet. They had, so we curled up together on the couch, quietly and patiently waiting for birds to arrive. Meanwhile, the snow kept falling. Perfect.

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