February 20

I have been a lazy, lazy picture-taker and blogger lately! Our days have been filled with busy-ness, and lazy playing, and the boring minutiae of daily life. Nothing camera-worthy.

But today when I was making dinner, Daisy asked to draw. I followed her to the living room, where I got out her crayons, markers, and some white paper. She was so excited! Then I went back to my work and left her to her coloring. (Terrible idea, I know: leave a toddler unattended with markers? Yet somehow, my kiddos handle this responsibility quite well. Also, they're washable.)

A few minutes later, Daisy came running into the kitchen, "Lookit Daisy do! Lookit, Mama! Daisy do it!"

Can you see how proud she was? It was possibly one of the sweetest moments I've ever experienced.

Making sure I can see her drawing for my picture.
Completely unrelated, but her "innie" belly button has recently turned into an "outie". Is that strange? I'm much too lazy to google it.

Then we hung her drawing up on the wall, and when Daddy got home she was so excited to show him. What a sweet girl!

Also, Caleb dictated this letter to me:
Apparently, Beyonce's half time performance at the Super Bowl (and Beyonce's lack of pants therein) has been on Caleb's mind. 
We're out of stamps right now, but as soon as we get some, you'd better believe this is going in the mail!

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