December 9

In case you're wondering, this is what a double ear infection looks like:

I called Caleb's doctor today because the cough he's had since Sunday night seemed to have gotten worse, and I was afraid it was moving to his chest. They wanted me to bring him in right away and have a doctor listen to his lungs.

It turned out that the cough was no big deal, but he did have a double ear infection.

Poor kiddo! Really, we're blessed that he's gone 17 months and never had an ear infection or any antibiotic-requiring illness. But honestly, I thought an ear infection always involved screaming and crying and ear-tugging. Apparently, it doesn't.
Praise the Lord.

(and the bubbles are from his Johnson's Vapor Bath that's supposed to help this cold. But Caleb just thinks they're fun!)


  1. He looks awfully happy for being a sick little guy! Hope he stays cheerful and feels better soon. =-)

  2. Is that BABY SANTA in the first photo? SOOOO CUTE (need another thing to say--but gosh, he IS sooo cute)

  3. that's a really cute ear infection, i've gotta admit. :)
