December 14

I think my brain stopped working about 30 minutes ago, so I can't quite remember what we did today. I'm pretty sure it involved reading. Lots of reading.

Apparently it also involved baseball bats and toy drumsticks.

I do remember this part of the day. Poor Caleb is convinced that our DVD of the movie "Elf" is actually a book. He kept handing it to me, saying, "Weed! Weed!" (Read! Read!) When I couldn't read it to his satisfaction, he plopped himself down in his chair to read it on his own.

Also, Caleb is becoming more aware of himself as an individual. It goes beyond the discovering his shadow thing - now, when I take his picture, he immediately comes behind the camera and wants to see the photo. When I show him, he points at the screen and says, "Tay-buh!" (That's how he says his name.) He's always pleased with the photos, and I've found that he'll often be more cooperative about picture-taking if he gets to see the result. Thus, this adorable photo!


  1. oh, what a fun moment as a mom :)

    That is so funny about the DVD being a book too!

  2. i love caleb. a fellow bookworm:))) sending him a little christmas gift. so fun to pick something out for him--non-book. hope he enjoys:)
    miss you guys. again, this blog is the FIRST thing i look at in the a.m. before email or headlines:)))
