December 27

Chris is home from work all week, which makes me a happy, happy woman. (Until he goes back to work. Then? Not so much.) Plus, Caleb was a sleeping machine today. He slept until 8:45 this morning (13 and a half hours!), then took a 3 and a half hour nap this afternoon. I'm really hoping he's either catching up on sleep or growing, not that he's fighting off some sort of sickness.

We had a relaxing day of hanging out at the house and playing with toys and visiting with friends.

Chris assembled Caleb's gift from Aunt Sally - a Sit and Spin! I love the skeptical look on Caleb's face, and the frustrated look on Chris'!

Caleb still can't quite operate it on his own, but he (and Chris) enjoyed some Daddy-assisted spinning.

And yes, our house is an explosion of toys. It's kind of embarrassing - I need to do something about that! Also, we got feedback today from our house showing last week. Sadly, the people didn't want our house, but the realtor who showed it had really great things to say about the house. We'll just have to keep praying that God will send the right person!


  1. They still make sit and spins?! Fun! I guess it's good you at least got some good feedback from the showing. Boo they're not interested though!

  2. I love all your holiday photos, but the ones with Caleb looking/waving at his snowman are my favorites! Adorable!
