May 13

So, Caleb doesn't crawl. He scoots. And after today, I am so very, very thankful that he doesn't crawl.  At least with the scooting, he gets around a little bit slower.

Because today, he was into EVERYTHING.

First, it was the cabinet where my pots and pans live. He spent quite a while banging the lids against the front of the stove.

Then, he found the electronics cabinet. He spent some more time pushing random buttons and spinning the volume knob on the amplifier.

Last, it was the curtains. OK, I might have helped him out with this one.
But it was so much fun!

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining - I'm actually really enjoying this stage of curiosity and exploring. It's so much fun to see how excited Caleb gets when he finds something new! (Unless that something new is the ant bait. Or an appliance plug. Or the kitty food....)