May 9

Whew! For an introvert like me, today was exhausting! We saw my friend Jill and her sweet baby Naomi, talked to Sara on the phone, saw our new friend Molly and her two girls, saw Sally, and went to a park after dinner. It was such a fun day, but I'm ready to crawl into my jammies and snuggle up in bed.

Before I can do that, though, I have lots of fun stuff to share. Like this video of Lily eating pizza. Since I realize that most people don't care to watch my baby eat, I sped it up (3x!) and added some music to make it a bit more fun.

I had hoped to go to Target and Costco this morning, so as an incentive to get the kids moving, I suggested that we might be able to go to a nearby park, too. Sadly, Costco and Target were not meant to be, so we didn't go to the park. Caleb was devastated. Before naps, I told him that maybe we could go after naptime. But Caleb and Daisy woke up just as Lily was ready for a nap, so again, it didn't happen. I told Caleb that maybe we could eat dinner early so there would be time for the park afterwards, but then all kinds of friends came by and we ended up eating dinner late.

Poor Caleb was so upset - he really wanted to go to that park, and he kept telling us (as politely as possible, of course) how much he wanted to go. Finally, Chris and I decided to push bedtime back a bit and take the boy to his park. It was totally worth it.

Lily worked on her pull-ups at the park.
Or maybe she was just licking germy playground equipment.

She loved this tunnel!

Chris loved it, too!

Such fun! None of the other kids would sit still for a picture with me.

See? Running, running, running. His sandals have the imprint of a star on the sole, and he likes to tell whoever will listen that they make him as fast as a shooting star.

After we played, we walked to see the horses.
I hate how lumpy and booty-licious I look in this picture, but I love that all of my darlings are in it. That makes it blog-worthy.


Caleb was terrified. He heard us talking about the signs that said, "Warning! Horses may bite." and he wasn't willing to risk it.

As we approached the horses, Daisy asked, "Are those elephants???"
No, dear. They're not.

And happy Lil scored a ride on Daddy's shoulders, pulling his hair the whole way. 

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