May 11

Happy Mother's Day!

I realized the other day that I was a teacher for four years, but I've been a professional, full-time mom for nearly five years now. Some days I feel like I'm getting pretty good at this mom thing, and many days it's a struggle. There are moments when I wish I could sell my children to the circus; in fact, I would give them to the circus if it would take them, no money needed. And then there are moments when I remember what a blessing, what a joy, what a gift, what an honor motherhood is.

I'm feeling the need to wax rhapsodic about the joys and travails of motherhood, but I won't. Instead, I think I'll thank God for all He's given us, and for allowing me the privilege of being a mother. I'll thank Him for surrounding me with a support system of fellow moms, and for all of the amazing women He's put in my life as role models. And more than anything, I'll thank Him for forgiving me my failures, and for giving me hope that He has a plan and a purpose for each of my children's lives that is greater than anything I could ever imagine.
Thank you, God.

More to be thankful for?
Today, I got to sleep in. (8 am, baby!)
I didn't have to cook.
I sat on the couch with my husband and big kids, and we watched Frozen and munched on popcorn.
I worked in my yard, and excitedly planted the milkweed my mom brought over for my butterfly garden.
I saw both of my moms - my own mom, and Chris' mom.
I got lots of snuggles and hugs and kisses.

I call that a good day.

All three kids swung while Chris grilled dinner and I dealt with poison ivy on the perimeter of our yard.

Side note: Daisy's untamed hair looks like Bob Dylan's hair.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
I rest my case.

After dinner, Lily entertained us with her goofy faces. 

And another: 
Goodness, I love her!

This boy was pretty sweet, too. I love this picture because it really looks just like him. I see this face all the time.

Just as we were getting dinner on the table, sweet Daisy asked me for pigtails. She wanted the hair out of her face. This mama is not going to pass up the chance to put Daisy's hair in pigtails; it's just too cute!

After dinner, I asked Chris to take a few quick pictures of me with the kiddos. At first, Daisy refused to cooperate. 
That's okay. We just took pictures without her.
(This photo is also an accurate representation of Caleb. He has bitten his fingernails down to nubs. He had a nail-biting problem a few years ago, but somehow stopped. Unfortunately, he's back at it again. Yuck.)

Oh, my goodness. While Chris took these pictures, I had no idea how sweet and cooperative Caleb was being. As I edited them, I was delighted by his sweet smiles and eye contact with the camera!

Finally, Daisy joined us.

One happy mama with her three darlings and her good, good man behind the camera.
 I am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Love your candid thoughts today.
