May 8

The girls and I spent all morning in the back yard while Caleb was at preschool; Daisy played independently, Lily sat happily on her blanket, and I dug in my garden. It was great, and I only slightly regret not taking pictures.

Lily decided to only take one nap today, which meant she was there to keep me company while I attempted a new feat: grilling a whole chicken.
I am not the grill master in our family, and I have mixed success with whole chickens. But this recipe looked so easy that I had to give it a go. While I prepped things and checked on the grill, Lily practiced pulling up on the deck railing. It was adorable.
Checking out my garden.

OOH! And pulling up! I know it doesn't look like much, but she's up on her knees pretty high.

Every time I had to run into the kitchen for something, I talked to her through the kitchen window. She thought it was so funny!

There she goes again! She's getting there!

I am so, so excited to have an almost-mobile baby!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to tell you yesterday, but forgot, that Caleb is on our prayer list. 7 a.m. each day.
