May 29

Chris took my car in for maintenance today, so the kids and I weren't able to go anywhere. Somehow, though, I didn't manage to take any pictures. This may have been because Lily still has a cold, and she wanted to be held/worn all day.

Things I did manage to do:
bake muffins
take a shower
sew two linen wraps
take the kids on a walk around the block to watch some roadwork
wash four loads of laundry
hang the diapers out in the sun
make dinner

So. I give you two cell phone pictures today:
My sewing machine. It has had personality problems for maybe two years now, and three days ago it finally got to the point where I was ready to send it out to be repaired. The problem is that most repairs cost upwards of $65, and this machine cost maybe $150, ten years ago. Worth it? I'm not sure. So last night I took my sewing machine apart, tinkered for about an hour, and finally fixed it! Hooray! 

A friend and I split a 5-yard-long piece of linen fabric to make wraps for each of our babies. Once my machine was finally functional, the sewing was quick and easy. As I sewed, Lily sat at my feet, waiting patiently.

As soon as I was finished, I tossed Lily up in a new carry (I think this was Jordan's Back Carry with a knotless finish?) to test things out. The linen is very different from cotton, and pretty stiff, but I think it will be a great, lightweight wrap for summer. And Lily clearly loves it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. How completely adorable that she can't wait to go up and be on your back?! Oh this is just too cute!
