May 24

Our new floors are 85% done! Hooray! Chris and Terry worked most of the day today, while I entertained the kids. We went to tumbling class, the grocery store, and the back yard. Caleb and Daisy watched all of Frozen - again. All three kids napped while the men worked, even though they were using the pneumatic nailer right in front of their rooms. Crazy.

Hopefully they'll finish things up tomorrow, and then we can begin the work of putting up baseboards and crown moulding, tiling the fireplace, installing an organizer system in the coat closet, replacing the shelves in the linen closet, touching up paint, reinstalling closet doors, hanging curtains, painting trim, furnishing/decorating the room.... 

Will we ever finish this project? 

Lily doesn't mind.

Lily never minds. How is this child so easygoing? (Most of the time. Not always. But most of the time.)

After dinner, the kids got to play on the new floor.

Lily was so excited!
(Chris was still installing some near the foyer.)

Caleb and Daisy put on socks and practiced sliding on the shiny new floor, and Lily watched with delight. 
I may have joined them for a bit of sliding, too.
I think it's fair to say that she loves it!

"Don't take my picture!"

Yay for new floors!

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