March 15

Despite the forecasted high of 70 degrees today, we had to bundle up in coats and mittens for my MOPS group's Easter egg hunt this morning.

This pretty much summed up Daisy's attitude about the whole thing:
"Really? You just threw those eggs all over the ground, and now you want ME to pick them up? In THIS weather? While my nose is dripping this nasty yellow gunk? NO THANKS."

Poor girl decided she wanted to be held most of the time.

Meanwhile, we had a pretty good turnout. That's Caleb with his back to us in the navy blue coat and hood. He didn't really get the concept of sitting "with" the kids or "facing" the lady speaking. But at least he sat. I'm really hoping he learns these things in preschool, or he will be totally unprepared for kindergarten.

A couple of our moms were running late, so we sang some songs to waste time until they arrived. My friend Kris, feeling pressure to entertain the kids with an Easter-themed song, randomly came up with "If you're a bunny and you know it, clap your hands."
I'm pretty sure this is Caleb falling in love with her as she sang the song. He thought she was pretty spectacular.

Finally, time to gather eggs! It took Caleb a while, but he figured it out and had a lot of fun picking "special" eggs.

It took Daisy even longer to figure things out. She flat-out refused to gather any eggs until most of them had been collected. Then she was willing to try her hand at the egg collecting. 

Daisy's favorite part of the whole thing was her lamb basket, though. It was last year's Easter gift from Grandmother, and it is now Daisy's favorite thing ever.

Once the kids were done, I surreptitiously swapped out the eggs they had collected with ones I had prepared for them at home - candy-free ones, filled with stickers and Dollar Store trinkets that were actually more fun than candy.

And then Daisy pouted again. But honestly, I understand why. I caught her cold, and I am downright miserable. No wonder she's been so unpleasant lately! Poor girl.

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