March 8

Today's official title?
Do-Nothing Monday.

And that's how we like it around here. However, the sunshine and warm breeze were pretty tempting, so we ventured out to Zachary's Park, a nearby playground. Caleb loves swinging so much that I couldn't deny him a chance to swing on such a lovely day.

And swing we did.
(He looks just like my dad as a child here!)

I had to delete approximately 73 photos of Caleb looking to the right, because that's where all of the big kids were playing. He is enthralled by the big kids! Any photos of him looking at me were really of him looking at a big kid behind me.

While he was swinging, he started talking.
I'm pretty sure his "daddadadad daaaaaaaaaaaaa" meant, "I'm having so much fun, Mommy! I can't wait until I'm big enough to run around and play like those kids!"

Or maybe it meant, "Push me faster, woman!"


I just like his funny face here.

The end.

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