March 29

Scene: Kitchen, morning

Caleb is sitting on his blanket playing with toys, while Carrie makes herself some breakfast. Carrie notices that Caleb has opened one of his books all by himself and is flipping through the pages.

Carrie: Caleb! Are you reading your book? You are such a big boy!

Caleb: Booh

Carrie, shocked that Caleb has said something that sounds like book, scrambles to grab her camera to photograph what could be his first word. By the time she has her camera ready, Caleb has moved on to another toy.

Carrie: Caleb, can you show me your book?

Caleb drops the toy he was playing with and picks up one, then another book.

I think it counts, don't you? He clearly knows what "book" means.
First word?


Later, we went to the park with Grandma and Ryan.

Ryan dotes on Caleb.
I love it.
Caleb loves Ryan.

Caleb also loves swinging.
And Mommy.

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