March 15

Monday seems to have become Library Day at our house.
Each Monday, Caleb and I visit the library and choose 5 new board books for him to read.

I use the term "read" very loosely.
(this is why antibacterial wipes are so important - each book gets a good wipedown first!)

(Does anyone else remember that Garfield poster about learning through osmosis?
Caleb and Garfield - they think alike.)

Also, we used the time change to shift Caleb's bedtime. Now he goes to bed at 8:00 instead of 7:00. That means we get to have family dinners together before bedtime! So far, it seems to be going well (He slept ALL NIGHT last night! From 8pm to 6:30 am! MY baby! He did that!).

Hopefully one of the first of many!

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