March 21

Today we visited our local Rural King.
Seriously. We have a new store called Rural King. It's like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, rolled together in a crusty, free-popcorn providing, camouflaged sack. Apparently it's a big deal elsewhere, and among rural folk, because the parking lot was packed.

Since we are obviously not rural folk, I'm sure you're wondering what drew us to the Rural King.

Chicks, man.

It was pretty awesome.

Rural King, you have 3 new fans.


  1. We have a Rural King now??? John and Carter will be so excited! There's one by the farm (makes sense...) Wondering though, was there a bearded LADY working at this one???

  2. Chicks, man!!!!! HA, you had me going for a minute,, there......... MOM:)
