June 27

Day 2 of VBS, so Eli and I were scrambling to fill our days. Amber had an epic handwoven wrap visiting her, so we met up for a playdate so that I could try it. Yes, we are both geeky like that. I love that God has given me friends who are nerdy in the exact same ways I am. It's a beautiful thing.

We got to the park a lot earlier than Amber and crew, so Eli and I had some solo playtime.
Yeah, my baby can swing on big kid swings. But he's totally not a big kid, so don't even say it. 

The park had an awesome building area that Eli loved!

Oh, and there was a hammock tree. It was amazing.

Also amazing? This wrap. 
The colors are not my favorite ever, but it was seriously everything that a handwoven wrap should be, ever. It's also worth about $800, which is why it's so amazing. It was so amazing that I actually brought a weighted doll to wrap because I knew it was likely that Eli wouldn't let me wrap him, and I didn't want to miss a chance to try this wrap. So I wrapped a doll at a playground like a crazy woman.

Hammocks! Can you spy Eli's little bottom?



1 comment:

  1. Wrapped a doll, LOL! Wow those hammocks look so fun!
