August 6

Remember how awful the night before last was? 
Well. Last night, I didn't hear a peep from Lily all night long. It was amazing! Eli was pretty high-needs, but he was in bed with me and as long as I'm lying down I like to pretend that it doesn't count. So whatever.
But Lily slept through the night, and even pretty late this morning. Around 9am, I started to get concerned because she never sleeps that late. So I peeked in to check on her, and the girl was sound asleep in piles of her own vomit. It looked like she had puked at least twice, early on in the night, then rolled around in it all night long. It was awful. She puked three more times today, and I am currently praying that it's over and I don't go into her room in the morning to find more vomit and more laundry to wash. My poor girl.

I had hoped to take a trip to Target this morning to buy Caleb a new backpack and shoes, but that didn't happen. Luckily, my sweet mom only worked a half day today. She came over around three to stay with the sleeping little ones so that Caleb and I could go shopping. Caleb and I had a great time - stopped in at Panera to get him a treat and some coffee for me, found the perfect backpack, and found some okay running shoes that were cheap, if not perfect. I enjoyed having one-on-one time with my little man, and we talked about how he was feeling nervous about the school year because he was afraid to see a little boy who was his "enemy". As we talked, Caleb explained that the boy was a "former friend" who told Caleb he was annoying and was mean to him. So Caleb and I discussed that the boy might not even be in his class, that the boy might be jealous of him, and that he always needed to tell grownups when another kid was being mean to him. My poor boy.

We returned home to find everyone happy. Mom stayed through dinner, and handled things when Lily puked yet again. I am so, so thankful to have her help while Chris is gone!

She gave all the kids baths, including this happy boy:
 Lily refused to take a bath (which was fair, since I already gave her a bath in the morning to wash all the puke off), but allowed my mom to wash her hair in the kitchen sink. Afterwards, she said, "Thank you Mawmaw wash hair!" Poor girl. I tended to Eli while my mom read to the big kids, and came out to find this: 
Lily, asleep on the floor, with her head partially under the couch while my mom read to Caleb and Daisy. Poor girl.

Eli refused to sleep, so I wrapped him on my back. Mom took a few pictures of the process with her phone.

She got a few blurry ones of him grinning as I wrapped him up; one of the things I love most about wrapping my babies is how much they love it, too!

I don't know if it was the half caf coffee I had with dinner or what, but Eli refused to sleep tonight. I finally got him to sleep around 9:45. Before Mom left, she took this picture of my happy boy while I worked on the computer. This is life, friends. It is hectic, messy, and entirely dependent on the help and goodwill of others. Join me in praying that Lily wakes up fully restored tomorrow? I'm ready for some easy stuff to come my way!

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