August 15

Chris is home!
Chris is home!

He got home after the kids went to bed last night, and everything is right in our world again.

We intentionally planned to have a really low-key Saturday so that we could have some family time together. It was perfect.

Lily pushed Eli in the swing, and it was the sweetest thing ever. Look at how happy he was!
(Don't worry, Mom. Chris was making sure that Lily didn't push him too hard.)

I'm really not sure why Lily is topless. I suppose that's just how we roll.

Actually, now that I think about it, she was playing in some water in the garden and got her shirt all wet, so we took it off.

This boy is really happy to have his Daddy home again.

Or maybe he's happy because he's swinging. Either way, he's happy.

Then our friend Dan stopped by; he had all of his kids with him and was doing some yard work for the neighbors, and offered to trim our bushes for us. 
Our bushes needed some serious chopping, so we watched his little ones and fed them lunch while he did our outdoor maintenance. Our kids were so happy to play with their friends!

Chris and I had plans to attend an engagement party for his cousin, so my mom came over to stay with the kids for the evening. (You know, because she hasn't spent enough of her time watching them during the past two weeks!) We ordered pizza for dinner and left her with the older three; Eli is just too high-needs right now, so he partied it up with us.

Happily, Mom took a bunch of pictures on my camera. That's always a fun surprise. 
My dad stopped by on his way home from work, and the kids were tickled that he was there just in time to read them a bedtime book. He gave them this book for Christmas, and it's one of their favorites.

Why do my kids look so cute in Grandma's glasses?

Laughing at silly Grandpa. I love this.

Meanwhile, Chris and I had an awesome date night (with Eli) at his cousin's party. There was great food, great drinks, great live music, and really great company. Eli was wide awake for most of the evening, but thanks to my wrap, he was happy the whole time and never made a peep. Eventually he fell asleep, and then nothing could wake him, even the band. Also, he is totally into my chew beads now. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was getting teeth! But he's definitely not.

We spent the evening chatting with family and being grown-ups together, which was just what we needed. I'm thankful my mom was willing to give us one more evening of her time!

1 comment:

  1. yay! I am glad you guys went! I'll have to call and hear more about it. It's great you got to get out for some adult/couple activity too :)
