August 21

Today was not my day. It honestly felt like everything I touched went wrong, and I am so glad it's over. I don't even want to talk about most of it.

This morning was bad. Everything was fine until it was time to go to the bus stop. I got all the kids out the door... and then Caleb decided he didn't want to go to school today. I finally got him to the bus stop, but when the bus came, he refused to get on. I had to pull him right up to the bus, and then he got on. It was weird.

When I got back home, I realized that I forgot to send the boy a snack. Poor kid. I felt so bad that I emailed his teacher, letting her know that he might need a little extra love and kindness today.

The girls played well together for most of the morning, including a hilarious dress-up session. Daisy declared that Lily was "Red Girl", and Lily really embraced the idea.

Daisy, meanwhile, was "Pink Glove Girl". 
Red Girl was a little easier for me to understand.

Then came the unfortunate incident where I backed my van out of the garage without being careful enough about my margins and shattered my side view mirror. That was really fun.

I finally got the girls down for naps, and Eli decided to be awake. Then Caleb's teacher responded to my email; she hadn't seen it until 3:00, but Caleb was fine today. She said that she got to spend some extra time reading with him today, and he was "an AMAZING reader." I totally cried because I was so happy and proud of my boy. When Caleb got home and told me about his day, he said that his teacher had to keep getting more books for him to read because he could read all of them so well. But best of all was how happy he was about it.

Then we harvested a zucchini from the garden. A few months ago Caleb brought some random seeds home from church and planted them in the garden all by himself. Now we have a flourishing zucchini plant, among others. This is our second zucchini from that plant. 

He was so proud that he grew it all by himself!

After dinner, we headed up to the high school by our house for a football game: Chris' alma mater vs. my former employer.

Eli was clearly pumped to be watching his first football game.

The kids were peeved that we didn't bring food for them. Funny how that goes: they didn't want to eat their dinner, but they were annoyed that we didn't bring snacks for the game. Stinkers. Caleb ate his dinner, so he got two cookies, but even that wasn't enough for him.

Daisy wrapped herself in my wrap and snuggled on my lap.

Lily really enjoyed a ride on Daddy's head.

Daisy cuddled Eli.

And Lily stayed busy being adorable.

My dad joined us on his way home from work, and Lily was so excited. 
So. excited.

Riding on Grandpa's head is not the same as riding on Daddy's head! It took her a while to figure out why his head was so smooth.

Hi, cutie pie!

Eli practiced his sitting,

And his snuggling.

It was a fun evening, but it definitely didn't redeem my day. I'll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it was a bad day, but the news about Caleb's above average reading is so GREAT!!! Good for him! Such cute pictures from the game too!
