August 13

We got Caleb off to the bus with no problems this morning; before we left, he hugged me and told me he wanted to stay home with me. But he got on the bus with a cheerful heart, and that makes me happy. Then we headed home to take some first day of school pictures for Daisy.

I was checking my exposure levels when Lily climbed up in front of the chalkboard wall; she wanted her picture taken, too!

It reminded me so much of this picture of Daisy on Caleb's first day of preschool, two years ago:
Daisy was just a few months older than Lily is now! I can't believe she was ever that small!
(Click on the picture to go to the blog post from that day.)
(In case you're wondering, the index cards on the wall in Lily's picture are Bible verses the kids have memorized. We probably need to start over and re-memorize them, though, because I bet they've forgotten them.)

Once Lily was satisfied with her photo shoot, Daisy was able to climb up for her time in the spotlight. 
That girl was so ready, and so excited, to go back to school!

It was just like last year:
(Once again, click the picture to go to that blog post.)
Her hair's a little bit longer, and her jellies are two sizes bigger, but the smile and the excitement are still the same. 
(Side note: the jellies smell like strawberries. For real. They smell delicious, and I kind of want to chew on them. They aren't even new, and they still smell amazing. At church on Sunday, Daisy's teachers informed me that everyone in the class smelled Daisy's shoes, and they even went into the class next door so the teachers there could smell her shoes. I don't know if that speaks to the awesomeness of the shoes, or the hilariousness of my daughter, or a little bit of both, but it's too funny to leave off the blog.)

Then we took a few more pictures on the front porch. What I really wanted was a picture of Daisy standing with her backpack on, but what she really wanted was a picture of her sitting like a princess on the swing. I have learned to give the girl what she wants whenever possible.

When she was satisfied with her princess/swing pictures, she said, "I'll give you a really big smile!" 
Nailed it. That is definitely a really big smile.
Also, Daisy chose to wear her favorite dress to school, but she remembered that there's lots of climbing and playing at school, so she chose to wear shorts under her dress. I was pretty impressed at her thoughtfulness!

Big smile.
Lilac dress.
The girl is ready to go to school!

Meanwhile, Lily just stood by and watched.
Funny story: after Lily ate breakfast this morning, I took her jammies off of her and asked her if she would rather wear a dress or a t-shirt and shorts today. She replied, "T-herr." She ran to her room to choose, and I followed to help. We went through her t-shirt drawer, but she refused every shirt I suggested. Finally I asked again, "Do you want to wear a dress or a t-shirt?" She was adamant that she wanted to wear a t-shirt, even though she had refused every t-shirt I offered. Frustrated, I said, "Lily, which shirt do you want to wear?"
She replied with exasperation, "Bih Shishuh!!!"
I paused, looked at her, and then a lightbulb went on in my head.
"Do you want to wear your Big Sister shirt?"

Poor girl knows exactly what she wants, but she just can't explain it to me. Being two is pretty tough.

Then Daisy decided it was time to make funny faces. 
Lily was enthralled.

She studied Daisy for a moment, then gave it her best shot.

Not quite yet, Lil.

That one's a little bit better...

Still trying. Funny girl.

Then we loaded into the van and dropped Daisy off. My sweet friend Jill invited us over for a celebratory playdate at her house, so the little ones and I headed straight there.

Jill, Sheila, and I had celebratory mimosas. It was lovely. We stayed at Jill's until it was time to pick Daisy up from school, and went home for lunch and naps. All three children napped at the same time, and it was perfect. 

When Daisy woke from her nap, she was crabby. Luckily, I have the perfect weapon against crabbiness: 
Sweet baby snuggles.

Eli and Daisy both loved it!

I definitely hovered right near the edge of the bed; Eli is totally untrustworthy on raised surfaces!

Caleb had a great second day of school, except for the part where he was climbing on a piece of playground equipment and got stuck at the top. He tried several ways to get down, but just couldn't. Finally, he called for help and a teacher came to rescue him. Poor kid! I bet it was pretty traumatic at the time, but he was able to laugh about it later. 

Dinner was the easiest it's been for the past two weeks, probably because we had PBJs and grilled cheese. The kids were hungry, ate cheerfully, and we had a nice conversation. It was just what I needed. Then my mom showed up, and everyone was in bed before 7:30. Lovely.
Even lovelier? 
Chris comes home tomorrow.
Praise the Lord.

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