September 8

It was so gray and gloomy and rainy this morning that Caleb - Mr. Up-At-6am-Every-Morning-No-Matter-What - actually slept until after 7am. Really. The kids wore their rain boots to church, and even got to use their umbrellas. Then, they took super-long naps. Hooray! Even better, when they woke up the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and it was a lovely 82 degrees.

We headed over to Chris' parents' house for a family dinner - what fun!
Lily lounged in the shade (it's one of her favorite hobbies),

while Grandad grilled his world-famous "hockey sticks". Yum!

Caleb and Daisy had fun running, throwing and hitting balls, and rolling down the hill.

Here, they were pretending to be birds sitting on eggs in their nest. They had all the little balls tucked underneath them. Too funny!

Also too funny: 
Gayle found one of the toy mustaches we gave Dan for his birthday, and put it on. Lily was a little bit freaked out, but Caleb and Daisy thought it was hilarious!

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