September 15

MOPS picnic

This is Lily, rocking the MOPS picnic. The other moms commented that every time they see her, she's sleeping in the wrap. They're pretty much right, and today even more so: the girl napped from 12:45 until I woke her to leave for the picnic at 4:45, then she slept the whole way there and slept for half of the picnic. Growth spurt, perhaps? I can never tell when my babies are having growth spurts by how much they eat, apparently because I have so. much. milk. that they just get whatever they want and then some. For us, it's the sleeping. Let's just hope she sleeps tonight! This mama is tired!
(I hear her squawking as I type this; Chris is trying to soothe her, but it's not working, so I'd better hurry!
Oh, and yes, I got a hair cut. Chopped at least six inches, if not more. I like the length, but maybe not the cut so much...

We got home from the picnic in time for baths, and Lily was all smiles after her bath!
Hi, sweet girl!

What a happy baby! If only she were this happy right now...
Off to work my magic!

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