September 28

Daisy woke up at 4:20 this morning. I suppose I can't complain too much because she (technically) slept through the night, and because Chris got up with her while I slept. But still. That's crazy-early. We'll have to work on that, but we're just now getting her back to sleeping through the night after that random molar came in.

So today Daisy took two naps instead of our normal one nap, which meant that my day involved entertaining both of them, then entertaining Caleb, then entertaining Daisy, then hastily putting Daisy down just as Caleb woke from his nap, then making dinner. Yikes! 

While Caleb napped, Daisy and I played on the porch. She grabbed my phone, climbed into a chair, and began her conversation:
"Huh-wo? Mimi? Ha Mimi! Bah-bye!"

Apparently my sister, Emily, is her favorite person to call on the phone.

Also, I think it's funny that we have at least two real, but dead, cell phones for the kids to use as toys, but somehow they always prefer my phone. 

I was just trying to put Daisy down for her nap when the doorbell rang. I figured it was probably a salesman and not worth my time to disrupt naptime to go check, but I did. Boy was I glad. It was FedEx with my camera! Chris shipped it to the Canon Service Center in Virginia exactly one week ago, and it was already received, repaired, and returned in just one week. Crazy! Way to go, Canon!

Of course I was beyond-excited to have my (newly properly-functioning) camera back, and to finally have a chance to play with my new lens. I was so excited that I didn't manage to discover that they had switched me back to JPEG from RAW until the end of the night. Boo. But oh well.
Here's Daisy in Caleb's tent. She has just started saying "peek-a-boo" (it sounds like "bah-boo!"), so she had a great time popping in and out saying, "Bah-boo!"


Another new favorite trick? 
Climbing up on the banquette and turning the lights off and on. Girl is so good, she can do it while balancing on one foot.

After dinner, Caleb had his customary race to the street corner and back. I ran with him, and happened to hear the sounds of the football game going on at the local high school. (The school is actually a mile away, but we could barely make out the sound in the breeze.) I looked and Chris, and we instantly knew we were going.

It was a good decision. 
Rather than pay for tickets for our mildly-interested toddlers, then confine them to the bleachers, we set up a blanket outside the fence. It was perfect!

Caleb and Daisy were actually fascinated by the band, the lights, the cheerleaders, and of course, the football.

Sweet girl.

Or maybe this shot is better.

Most of my pictures of Caleb didn't turn out because he was wearing a dark hoodie on a dark night. But he loved the game! Every time the band played, he got up and danced like a wild man. Chris and I couldn't stop laughing!

Daisy is obsessed with the moon lately, largely due to the fact that Chris has been reading her "Goodnight, Moon" before bed every night. She couldn't stop pointing at the moon and saying, "MOon. MOOOON. Moonnnnnn. MOON."

Daddy gave Daisy a lift,

And I gave her some snuggles.

And then the children all piled on top of me. 

It was a good night.

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