September 1

It was supposed to rain all day, but it only rained all morning. That meant we had plenty of time for our favorite front-yard activities.

Caleb's friend, Caleb, came over to play, so Chris helped Caleb got out every child-powered vehicle in his arsenal. The boys then took turns riding them in the driveway and on the sidewalk. The other Caleb's dad, Dan, supervised as our Caleb learned how to steer the big-boy bike and coast down the hill.

Please ignore the rope coming out of Daisy's head, and instead notice the fact that she desperately wishes that she were big enough to do what the big boys were doing.

But she's not. So instead, she swiped her brother's sippy cup full of mint iced tea and drank her sorrows away. 

There's so much I love about this picture:
the boys having fun
both boys have rain boots
the other Caleb is wearing my bike helmet
there is no fear in our Caleb at all 

Lots of good stuff. And? It's a three-day weekend. Hooray!

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